Sunday, April 5, 2009

GM, Chrysler scolded but given more time to restructure

My last and final blog for Accounting 12.

General Motors and Chrysler, the two large automakers in the U.S., is given a second chance by the U.S. and the Canadian government to develop a much better restructuring plan for their company. U.S. President Barack Obama is willing to lend $6 million to Chrysler, as they have requested, only if a transfer agreement with European automaker Fiat be agreed upon within 30 days, and GM is given enough working capital if they come up with a reasonable proposal within two months period to sustain their company. Barack Obama thinks U.S. needs a change, as well as saying that the U.S. needs to “confront our (U.S.) problems head-on and do what’s necessary to solve them”. This restructuring plan of the two automakers applies with the Canadian government but we would be lending smaller amounts of money with the same dead line. For Chrysler, they also need to deal with the Canadian Auto Workers union along with their agreement with Fiat. The purpose of Canada investing in the two companies is so that we can maintain a 20 per cent production share within the auto making industry.

As a wrap up of everything I learned this year in Accounting 12, I realise this article relates to how companies need sufficient working capitals to maintain their company, how companies need to sell their merchandise so that they don’t accumulate inventory (making it hard to make a profit), as well as, how investors should be very careful in investing into companies like GM and Chrysler. Careful investors should be comparing financial data between 2 companies or even all the companies within that industry. By comparing financial data of 2 companies, it would allow a better decision to be made. Also, the inventory cycle should be on going from year to year, but it seems like GM and Chrysler aren’t selling their vehicles like what they should be doing. This will cause them to decrease in production of new models and even need to pay more storage space to store all the unsold cars.

Not long ago, GM and Chrysler had their chance to restructure their companies, but they still haven’t figured out a proper plan to save it. To me, GM and Chrysler cars aren’t as fuel efficient compared to other countries automaker, as well as, not having an up-to-date model coming out each year. They are lacking and are falling behind other countries automakers. The automaker Ford was also one of the companies who needed restructuring within their company, but they managed to survive their crucial period. It seems like GM and Chrysler needs some proper management skills within their company and should stop slacking off. This should be a valuable lesson for the two companies who think they can rely on the government support, but actually they now have to suffer for their actions.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chapter 16 - Payroll Accounting

Alcoa to slice 15% off payroll costs at Quebec plants

With the hard hit economy, Alcoa Inc., the largest U.S. aluminum producers, is one of those companies who are having a hard time making a profit due to the drop in prices of lightweight metal. Their Canadian non-union salary employees might be affected by the 15% cut to their payroll so that the company can conserve some cash. Alcoa know that it is “part of managing through the downturn and focusing on cash”. The company needs money in hand to keep the company going because their most recent financial statements have shown a net loss of the company.

This article is related to our chapter 16 about payroll accounting because this article is dealing with the payroll cost to their employees on a regular basis over a period of time. The company’s payroll department needs to consider and go through so many laws and regulations before they actually decrease the wages of their employees. They have a large role to play. Also, the workers are earning a non-union salary which means they should be paid a fixed sum of money, for the salary part, but since it is a non-union salary, the company has the ability to changing their employee’s salary amount.

I believe that Alcoa is a considerate company. At least, they considered only reducing their payroll by 15% and not laying them off or firing them. It is good to know that the employees still have a job so that they have some sort of finance that is supporting them. As we all know, employees are in desperate need in keeping their jobs secure so I believe they wouldn’t mind having a 15% deduction to their salary. I think a 15% decrease to my salary would be horrifying but I would have to accept the fact that I might not even receive a pay check at all.

courtesy of:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 15 - Analyzing Financial Statements

Steady as she goes for Canada's top banks

The economic crisis is slowly catching up on Canada’s top five banks. Even though Banks in Canada are steadily earning profit, there is still a show in increase of bad loans and investment losses. With the stocks plunging to its lowest of this week, the banks still has strong domestic retail franchises to back them up for them to earn a profit. There is more for the banks to bear when they anticipate the arrival of a recession. This would then increase the loan losses which will lead to lost in assets. Banks are depending on Canadian consumers to consumer more to help ease the economy, just like in the past.

Later in the article, it compares two banks, BMO and Bank of Nova Scotia, to show how the bank industry is going. For example, they compare Bank of Nova Scotia has a flat income of $842 million, or 80¢ /share; and BMO has a drop in net income of 12% to $ 225 million, or 96¢/share. By comparing two different banks together, we can use comparative data such as comparative balance sheets and income statements to help manage, improve, and predict what should be done in the future. By using this method, insiders and outsiders can compare different banks to see which one they should invest in. The topic of comparative data is learned in section 15.2.

I can understand many people are scared to leave their money in banks since there might be a chance of the bank going bankrupt. Due to the current poor economy, many people in the world would not spend as much money compared to last year, but this is why our economy is getting worst. It is because no one wants to spend their money. It is a hard time for many to go through, but to up roar the economy to get it running smoothly again, it would take many people’s effort to achieve it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Chapter 14 - Cash Control and Banking

VPD pitches in to help Salvation Army after $25,000 theft

An incident happened on Wednesday night where thieves’ had stolen $25,000 worth of Christmas toys from the Salvation Army warehouse. More than 80 boxes of toys were stolen from the warehouse. This is enough for 1,400 families who is in need of it. Those toys were for the vulnerable citizens of Canada; for them to celebrate a happy Christmas with food and gifts. A drive would be held to buy enough presents for the homeless and starting with a $2,000 donation from the Vancouver Police Department (VPD). The VPD are on their way to solving the case of the stolen assets.

This article of Salvation Army shows that they need a better internal control over their large amount of asset. They are a non-profitable organization but it doesn’t mean that they don’t need a good vault to protect their assets. And what if the drive wasn’t successful in raising enough money cause by the economy is going down and Canadian citizens aren’t in the mood to share their wealth. They shouldn’t let anything slip out of their hands. To prevent something like this from happening again, the accountants can suggest keeping the assets in a safer place (better security), allowing only a few keys for trusted employees, and/or separate the responsibilities between workers.

After reading this article, I felt frustrated by how our society is becoming crueller. In the news I hear people are murdered or there was a break-in. I cannot believe how people can be so ruthless to each other, we are all human beings! Don’t you just wish there were peace around and trust between others again, just like the olden days where there wasn’t evil lurking around? I feel sorry for those homeless people who can’t even celebrate a proper Christmas just because a group a people had taken it away from them. Sometimes adding security isn’t going to solve anything.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Chapter 12 - Specialised Journals

Think iPood is funny? That's money in her pocket

In an economical crisis, Seeing Is Believing novelty store, owned by Grace Lam, is doing just fine on sales like the economy was in a good condition. The store manger noticed consumers continuing to buy gifts for their friends and family and they don’t mind the price when those gifts brighten up their day. Their main customers ranging from the ages of 18-25 who has the most disposable income spend the most and the store earn the most from that group. During an economic downturn, people tend to be pessimistic but with a store full of laughter and happiness, the sadness is all gone.

Even though the article doesn’t directly connect to Chapter 12, but it is somewhat linked to which journal system should be preferably used for the company, which should be the synoptic journal. Seeing Is Believing isn’t a large corporation to have a large accounting department to computerize their transaction but instead they can use a human produced synoptic system to record their transactions. They owned 5 stores in Victoria and now it is down to 2. With only 2 stores left, they wouldn’t need an accounting department to do the accounting work, so a few accountants would be okay to finish the job. Also, their entries are routine transactions so they wouldn’t need someone specialised to do the work.

This is an article doesn’t have a large impact on me but looking around me, many stores are being impacted by the downturn of the economy. I can see small and large stores are in a struggle to keep itself in business and large banks, like in the U.S., are having trouble because of bankruptcy. When I start earn my own money, I will realise a bad economy will be hard times for everyone. Hearing many suicides caused by the downturn of the economy is depressing. Consumers should buy more to support the economy and bring it back to where it was before or better.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

104 babies 'critical' in China milk scandal

Shijiazhuang is the capital of Hebei, which is also the homeland of the well known dairy trade company, Sanlu Group. An incident has occurred to the company that many children who drank their milk products are developing symptoms of kidney stone. This is cause by melamine, an industrial chemical used to make plastic. Many supermarkets are taking all Sanlu milk products off their shelves and stopping the imports from the company. The big issue in the article is that babies are being poisoned by the tainted milk formula. Supermarkets are not accepting Sanlu products anymore as well as having a hard time from the citizens who are affected.

This article touches on the topic of merchandise returns and allowances because it talks about the milk products being stopped from imports and are taken off the shelves. When all the products are taken off the shelves, it means that the supermarkets believe the products are defective and are going to be returned to the wholesaler (Sanlu). Sanlu will be troubled by many credit invoices that they are going to receive from their customers because of this scandal. The credit invoice transactions will reverse the process of receiving money to now, owning money back to customers.

After reading this article, I feel sorry for the families and, especially, the babies having to suffer through this because of careless mistakes of ones act. China has to be more careful on the quality of what they produce. If not, the consequences can be large. But for that chemical to happen to appear in the milk products is because there too much waste near their factory. Even though it is not affecting me but I am Asian. I wish China can become a well known and positive country that I can be proud of.